The Mission of the Ascended Masters

The Divine Timing of the Ascended Masters here on Earth is a complex mission. An awakened Master usually has multiple Divine Timings, meaning multiple Life and Soul Purposes.

An Ascended Master will feel compelled to help people and make positive transformations to the Planet.

Their divine timing might be to wake up one million of souls or to inspire just one person who will make positive contributions to the world.

There have been many theories as to why a Soul would choose to inhabit a body that had physical challenges even from birth:

Some say it's because of karma.

Some say that the Soul chooses the body as a spiritual lesson.

Some say that the Soul chooses that way to teach the parents or other people in the community Unconditional Love.

Some say that some people have created their own sickness just so they can heal themselves.

I say that some people choose that physical body or specific patterns in life with specific characteristics so they can get to know all the aspects of it, all the misalignments and distortions, and their connections or separations from the Divine Spiritual Essence.

This way, they could better understand what to do and how to synchronise to the Divine Connection of the Spirit again, with their physical Body, their Mind and their Heart.

Therefore, re-establishing an Earthly Paradise energised, empowered and nourished with the highest energies and vibrations of Abundance, Joy and Absolute Love for everyone, is how to make this connection, this Re-Union perfect again, for them and for others too, using their own, unique talents and powers.

As we awaken and develop, we come together again with our Soul Family, as part of our Collective Divine Timing.